Presentation at Quaker Meeting House, Oxford

On Thursday 23 March, I gave a presentation on Dhammakaya pioneers in the UK: featuring Fuengsin Trafford.

I gave an overview of Fuengsin’s life and work in the context of present difficulties in Thailand, trying to inform and spread loving kindness.  At risk are people’s spiritual livelihoods — the current circumstances mean that people like my mother are not be able to properly fulfil their life’s purpose.

There were about 20 of us gathered together in the Garden Room of the Quaker Meeting House in St. Giles, Oxford.  It’s a wonderful venue that we’ve used before for evening meditation classes, very popular with Buddhist groups.  The spaces are very conducive to inner peace and there are good facilities, including plenty of comfortable chairs and a kitchen.  Also, as a registered charity we received a 10% discount.

After a blustery afternoon observing the peace vigil in Radcliffe Square, we were grateful for the shelter.  The atmosphere was very positive and supportive.